Friday, February 12, 2010

IQ Builder talking computer

It's in good condition. No stain. All buttons function well. Your kids will love this.
It cover maths, language, problem solving and music.
1. Find the letter - a random letter appears on the screen and the child has to find it and match it.2. Learn a word - type in a letter and a word which begins with that letter appears and is spoken to the child.
3. First letter - you get a word come up on the screen with the first letter missing. The word is spoken out to the child and you type the first letter in. This game really needs the help of an adult until the child fully understands what to do and is capable of spelling4. Missing Letter - this game is similar to the previous game, except a different letter is missing each time. Adult help is needed on this game too
5. Learn to spell - The child is asked to spell a word. Adult help is required. The words are simple like mum, cat, three. The number of dashes come up with the number of letters in the word to help the child along a bit.
6. Guess the word - Is a sort of anagram game where the letters of the words come up and you have to unscramble then.
7. Learn a number - This game is a simple game where the child presses a number. It comes up on the screen and it is then repeated out loud by the computer. This is an effective way of getting a child to recognise by looking at the number and knowing which one it is.
8. press a number - The computer asks you to press a number. This game is useful to see if a child can recognise their numbers.
9. Find a number - The computer says a number, the child has to look and see where the number is and find it. 10. Counting - On this game a number of triangles come up on the screen. You have to count them and then key in the number. My daughter gets bored easily with this one as there is nothing exciting about it in her opinion.
11. Plus - This is simple mathematics where the child has simple addition sums of 1+3 or 2+2. It is a good way to get the child to start simple addition. Adult help may be required.12. Takeaway - Similar to the addition game, but take away. This is getting the child used to taking away and thinking in the opposite way from what they have just done.
13. Times - This is simple times table work, where the child gets simple multiplication to do. simple ones like 2x2, or 1x5.14. Shoot the letter - A letter appears on the screen and you have to press it. If you are too slow more letters appear on the screen and if you get too many you lose.
15. Compare each other - This is a mathematical one where you get 3 shapes on the screen of different sizes. You are asked to find the biggest or the smallest. 16. Music - there are a number of musical tunes on this one, and when the child chooses them it will play a tune such as BINGO, London bridge, teddy bears picnic and Animal Fair